During today's conversation on Back Porch Theology, the very last stop in our topsy-turvy tour through Judges, we're going to hang out with a hot mess of a man who was my favorite character in biblical narrative - apart from Jesus, of course - when I was a little girl. His name was Samson and I'm not sure why I was so captivated by him when I was a kid because for most of his life, he was a rebel without a clue. Although Sam's birth announcement was engraved by an angel, and he was doted on by good and godly parents who suffered through decades of infertility before they got pregnant with him, he rejected their morality and devotion to God and went careening in the opposite direction. I'm not going to spoil the audacious end of his story in this preview, but if you've been on the porch for the last few episodes, you know that divine redemption is always lurking in the darkest alleys of humanity. Dr. Tim Keller explained it beautifully, "The gospel is this: We are more sinful and flawed in ourselves than we ever dared believe, yet at the very same time we are more loved and accepted in Jesus Christ than we ever dared hope." We're serving up extra portions of hope on the porch today, so we're delighted you've chosen to pull up a chair to chow down with us. Please grab your favorite beverage, and a Bible and let's dive into this divine love story and remind our prone-to-wander selves of the miraculous redemption available to us because God's faithfulness has always been weightier than our flaws!
In this episode, Christine Caine dives into the heart of the Gospel. Drawing from 1 Corinthians 15, she unpacks how Jesus' death and resurrection changed everything, offering salvation to a world in desperate need of grace. Christine reminds us that sin is humanity's greatest problem, but Jesus took our punishment, giving us His righteousness in return. The cross is not just a historical event; it is the place where Satan was defeated and all of God's promises were fulfilled. If you've ever doubted the power of the Gospel in your life, this episode will remind you why it is truly good news and why it must be shared with the world.
Get your free Episode Reflection Guide here.
+ + + + +
Christine Caine is a speaker, activist, and best-selling author. She and her husband, Nick, founded the anti-human trafficking organization The A21 Campaign. They also founded Propel Women, an initiative that is dedicated to coming alongside women all over the globe to activate their God-given purpose. Each week she brings you a Gospel-centered message filled with Biblical truths that will equip and empower you to step into the life God has for you.
In this episode of The Writing Room, Bob and Kim sit down with writer and artist Liz Bell Young to talk about her book "Let There Be Havens" and the creative process behind it. Liz discusses how she blends memoir, photography, and practical wisdom in her work-despite being told her voice was "too quiet" for publishing. Listen in as they explore what it means to trust your creative instincts, push past industry expectations, and write the book that's truly on your heart.
Connect with Liz: instagram.com/lizbellyoung
Let There Be Havens: https://a.co/d/8rr6Eok
Connect with Bob: instagram.com/bobgoff
Connect with Kim: instagram.com/kimberly.stuart.writes
Learn more about Writing Coaching with Bob and Kim: bobgoff.com/writing-coaching
Come join Bob and Kim at the Oaks for a Writer's Workshop. Wherever you are in the writing process they are ready to help you figure out your next steps! Visit bobgoff.com/events to learn more.
Our topic for this episode is God's greatest gift to us, grace. I've preached a lot of sermons on grace, I've written a few books on grace, but I never get tired of talking about this gift of being made right with God through his grace. As perfectly summarized in 1 Corinthians 5:18-21, "All this is from God. Through Christ, God made peace between us and himself, and God gave us the work of telling everyone about the peace we can have with him. God was in Christ, making peace between the world and himself. In Christ, God did not hold the world guilty of its sins. And he gave us this message of peace. So we have been sent to speak for Christ. It is as if God is calling to you through us. We speak for Christ when we beg you to be at peace with God. Christ had no sin, but God made him become sin so that in Christ we could become right with God."
During today's podcast on Back Porch Theology we're exploring one of the greatest leaders in the history of God's people who just so happens to be a chick named Deb! She was both a judge and a prophetess. Which means she was kind of like a president and pastor rolled into one - the entire prone-to-wander nation of Israel turned to her for leadership, wisdom, and spiritual guidance. And another unlikely heroine makes her debut during Deborah's timeline, too. Her name was Jael and let me tell you, that woman was LEGIT - she could have held her own against a burly, tatted MMA fighter twice her size! Even though these women's stories take place long before David's in redemptive history, they illustrate what God said to Samuel about Davey when he was anointed to be the future king of Israel before he even started shaving, "People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart." In other words, God delights in using misfits in miraculous ways. Don't forget, the book of Judges was a bleak chapter in the history of God's people - there was no king on the throne, the Word of God was not being taught in the land, and most people were doing whatever crooked little hearts desired. It looked as if their toes were hanging over the edge of obscurity. And based on their rebellion and idolatry, they deserved to be fried into greased spots of oblivion by some divine lightning bolt. Instead, our Heavenly Father inserts a couple of unlikely heroes into their drama, which results in an epic military victory as well as a national revival. The brightest mornings often follow the darkest nights when we give God the sole authorship of our story. It a great day to hang out on the porch, so please grab your favorite beverage, your Bible, and a snack and come prop your feet up with us. We love getting to spend this time with you.
In this episode, Christine Caine explores the pursuit of wisdom-how seeking God's perspective changes everything in a world that feels chaotic and uncertain. She dives into James 1 to reveal why wisdom doesn't just fall into our laps but must be actively pursued and unpacks the role of trials in strengthening our faith, reminding us that endurance is built in the middle of challenges. No matter what you're facing, this episode will encourage you to stay the course, seek wisdom, and trust that God is working in your life for His greater purpose.
Get your free Episode Reflection Guide here.
+ + + + +
Christine Caine is a speaker, activist, and best-selling author. She and her husband, Nick, founded the anti-human trafficking organization The A21 Campaign. They also founded Propel Women, an initiative that is dedicated to coming alongside women all over the globe to activate their God-given purpose. Each week she brings you a Gospel-centered message filled with Biblical truths that will equip and empower you to step into the life God has for you.
Mike Nawrocki, known for his role as Larry the Cucumber in VeggieTales, joins Bob and Kim today to share his journey from aspiring pediatrician to a beloved children's storyteller. He discusses his new series, Dead Sea Squirrels, and the creative process behind writing for children across various mediums. Bob, Kim, and Mike explore the impact of storytelling, the importance of crafting themes, and the necessity of a supportive community. They also highlight the legacy that impactful storytelling can leave for future generations.
Connect with Mike: instagram.com/mike.nawrocki
Check out the "Dead Sea Squirrels": https://gominno.com/lp/deadseasquirrels/
Connect with Bob: instagram.com/bobgoff
Connect with Kim: instagram.com/kimberly.stuart.writes
Learn more about Writing Coaching with Bob and Kim: bobgoff.com/writing-coaching
Come join Bob and Kim at the Oaks for a Writer's Workshop. Wherever you are in the writing process they are ready to help you figure out your next steps! Visit bobgoff.com/events to learn more.
In this episode, host Christine Caine sits down with Noemi Chavez (pastor at Revive Church and chair of the board for Exponential Español) for a powerful conversation on faith, leadership, and resilience. Noemi shares about pastoring in a multi-generational church, leading in diverse spaces, and the challenges of balancing ministry, calling, and personal health. She opens up about the pressures of being a Latina woman in leadership, the struggle with burnout, and how God reshaped her priorities. This episode is filled with wisdom, honesty, and encouragement to keep saying yes to God-without losing yourself in the process.
Saying Yes to God's Call-Even When It's Unexpected
From teaching high school English to leading a church, Noemi's journey into full-time ministry was unexpected. She explains how God led her step by step into pastoring, despite her initial plans to simply be a faithful church volunteer.
The Reality of Burnout in Leadership
In 2018, Noemi hit a wall of burnout, realizing that busyness doesn't equal faithfulness. She describes how she recalibrated her priorities, found true rest in God, and learned to lead from overflow instead of exhaustion.
Navigating Multi-Generational Leadership
Noemi talks about the unique challenges of pastoring both older and younger generations-learning to listen, adapt, and lead people through different seasons of life without losing sight of the bigger mission.
Making Room for the Next Generation
As a Latina leader, Noemi understands the importance of representation and mentorship. She shares why making space for young leaders is critical, how to empower them, and the role of discipleship in raising up the next generation of world changers.
Follow Noemi Chavez, @noemichavezlbc
Follow Christine @ChristineCaine
Get your FREE reflection guide for journaling prompts or use it as a discussion guide with your community at PropelWomen.org/Podcast.
Subscribe now so you don't miss an episode, and don't forget to leave a review! See you next week on the Propel Women Life & Leadership Podcast.
You can connect with us further at PropelWomen.org or on Instagram, Facebook, X, and Threads @PropelWomen. We can't wait to hang out with you in your car, during your workout, or wherever you listen to podcasts!
Propel Women is an initiative of Equip & Empower Ministries founded by Christine Caine.
We EMPOWER women with biblical wisdom and encouragement, EQUIP women with practical training and education, and MOBILIZE women by providing hands-on leadership opportunities.
No matter where a woman has influence - in an office, in her community, at home with her family, or in ministry - Propel is driven by a calling to equip and mobilize women to become effective co-laborers with Christ and make a difference within their unique spheres of influence.
Rebecca St. James and Cubbie Fink join Levi and Jennie for an unforgettable conversation about love, faith, and trusting God's timing. Cubbie shares the wild story of how he nearly missed his chance to take Rebecca to the airport-and how that moment became a turning point in their relationship. They also dive into their book Lasting Ever, the ups and downs of marriage, and what it means to follow God through every season of life.
Connect with us on social!
Rebecca + Cubbie: @rebeccast.james
Levi: @levilusko
Jennie: @jennielusko
Fresh Life Church: @freshlife
Order Rebecca and Cubbie's Book:
Get the 5 Gallon Bucket: https://bit.ly/sdl4sHY
Get the Lusketeer Sticker: https://bit.ly/sdl4sHY
Subscribe for more exclusive content: https://levilusko.com/hitl-subscribe
Want to be on the next Q&A episode? Send us your questions! https://bit.ly/3RonhJI
00:45 - Meeting Rebecca & Cubbie for the First Time
15:11 - The Story Behind Lasting Ever
18:27 - Behind Unsung Hero & Family Involvement
27:08 - Parenting, Ministry, and Prioritizing Family
33:40 - Rebecca on Stepping Away from Music & Returning
45:45 - Cubbie's Airport Chase & Almost Missing His Chance
Today we are going to learn about Sabbath through Middle Eastern eyes and through the historic cultural context of the Bible. Sabbath is other than, more than and better than the ways we usually think of Sabbath here in the West. The world has a way of knocking rest right out of us. The Bible paints a beautiful picture of Sabbath as running so much deeper, wider and more than merely resting after working, catching our breath in the rat race of life.
There are 2 systems at play in the world. There is empire and there is kingdom. Empire is anchored in scarcity, and functions within striving and straining. There's never enough and the acquisition of more is the way to make sure you have enough. Kingdom is sabbathed, functioning within sufficiency and quiet trust in the Living God as our Father. It can relinquish because it trusts that there will be enough. We are not orphans or the fatherless. We can rest because He is always working.
The Bible tells the story of Sabbath as a celebration of restoration. Shabbat is the Hebrew word where we get our English word sabbath. Shabbat means "to cease". What is it that we are ceasing? During Sabbath we cease our work to remember and celebrate God's work. What work is that? That right now He is making all things new. A deep and profound restoration, renewal and repair are underway.
I pray you will feel the Lord's loving invitation into His Sabbath rest today.
Over a half a million readers have joined the journey of Instagram sensations Ashley and Dino Petrone (@ArrowsandBow). They share the adventures, mishaps, and joys of marriage and parenting through the lens of interior design. In their debut book, Designed to Last, you'll hear about their experience living in a 800 square foot trailer with their family of five. In today's fun interview, you'll hear:
2:30 How they rushed into marriage - thanks to their moms
4:00 Ashley: "I had no idea I married a gamer."
5:50 What if dad is playing video games with the kids and mom is concerned about it?
8:10 Wives, instead of nagging, do this...
11:55 How did you go from obsession to moderation when it comes to video games?
14:35 Why did you move your family of five into an RV?
16:30 Was it hard to sell all your things?
17:50 How did your kids like living in the RV? What did they think about having just a few things each?
19:00 After moving out of the RV, how did you keep the same close family vibe going?
21:00 Why the Instagram name Arrows and Bow?
22:00 Advice for the aspiring mom entrepreneur
25:00 How do you complement each other in business and in life?
25:50 Social media as a business, but not as something we want our kids on
28:40 Our rhythms to keep social media in check
Ashley and Dino Petrone have been married since 2006 and make their home in Florida with their four kids (baby added since the RV!). Ashley began her popular Instagram account @ArrowsandBow as a way to document her home-design journey. Dino is a senior engineer and Ashley is a full-time mom, blogger, and interior designer. Visit them online and check out their book Designed to Last at arrowsandbow.com.
Visit Happy Home University to subscribe to Arlene's email list and receive your free monthly resource, Five Stress Busters for Mom.
My good pal Henry joins me on today's special episode! His new book, "Trust", launched about a week ago and I wanted to shout it from the rooftops.
Dr. Henry Cloud is an acclaimed leadership expert, psychologist, and best-selling author. He draws on his extensive experience in clinical psychology and leadership development, to impart practical and effective advice.
Follow Bob: @bobgoff
Follow Henry: @drhenrycloudoffical
Purchase his newest book "Trust" at trustbydrhenrycloud.com
Does anything truly happen to us on the other side of the grave? Many people claim they've been there and back -- have seen what death is really like. On this journey, Dr. G explains and analyzes the latest scientific research on the subject, complete with firsthand reports from people whose lives were radically changed because of what they believe they saw when they allegedly died and came back to life.
Email Dr. G directly by clicking HERE.
For more information on the subject, Dr. G recommends visiting the website of the International Association for Near-Death Studies: https://www.iands.org/
He also recommends "After: A Doctor Explores What Near-Death Experiences Reveal about Life and Beyond," the brand new, much-anticipated book by Dr. Bruce Greyson: https://www.amazon.com/After-Doctor-Explores-Near-Death-Experiences/dp/1250263034
Rebecca St. James and Cubbie Fink join Levi and Jennie for an unforgettable conversation about love, faith, and trusting God's timing. Cubbie shares the wild story of how he nearly missed his chance to take Rebecca to the airport-and how that moment became a turning point in their relationship. They also dive into their book Lasting Ever, the ups and downs of marriage, and what it means to follow God through every season of life.
Connect with us on social!
Rebecca + Cubbie: @rebeccast.james
Levi: @levilusko
Jennie: @jennielusko
Fresh Life Church: @freshlife
Order Rebecca and Cubbie's Book:
Get the 5 Gallon Bucket: https://bit.ly/sdl4sHY
Get the Lusketeer Sticker: https://bit.ly/sdl4sHY
Subscribe for more exclusive content: https://levilusko.com/hitl-subscribe
Want to be on the next Q&A episode? Send us your questions! https://bit.ly/3RonhJI
00:45 - Meeting Rebecca & Cubbie for the First Time
15:11 - The Story Behind Lasting Ever
18:27 - Behind Unsung Hero & Family Involvement
27:08 - Parenting, Ministry, and Prioritizing Family
33:40 - Rebecca on Stepping Away from Music & Returning
45:45 - Cubbie's Airport Chase & Almost Missing His Chance
Where did everything come from? Everything we see ... and don't see? It's one of the most obvious yet deepest questions we all ask during our lifetimes. On this adventure, Dr. G plunges right in and begins explaining what science and the Bible have to say about the origin of everything. The universe. Life on Earth. The human species. It's the start of a fascinating, three-legged journey ... so you don't want to miss it!
Email Dr. G directly by clicking HERE.
In this episode, host Christine Caine sits down with Noemi Chavez (pastor at Revive Church and chair of the board for Exponential Español) for a powerful conversation on faith, leadership, and resilience. Noemi shares about pastoring in a multi-generational church, leading in diverse spaces, and the challenges of balancing ministry, calling, and personal health. She opens up about the pressures of being a Latina woman in leadership, the struggle with burnout, and how God reshaped her priorities. This episode is filled with wisdom, honesty, and encouragement to keep saying yes to God-without losing yourself in the process.
Saying Yes to God's Call-Even When It's Unexpected
From teaching high school English to leading a church, Noemi's journey into full-time ministry was unexpected. She explains how God led her step by step into pastoring, despite her initial plans to simply be a faithful church volunteer.
The Reality of Burnout in Leadership
In 2018, Noemi hit a wall of burnout, realizing that busyness doesn't equal faithfulness. She describes how she recalibrated her priorities, found true rest in God, and learned to lead from overflow instead of exhaustion.
Navigating Multi-Generational Leadership
Noemi talks about the unique challenges of pastoring both older and younger generations-learning to listen, adapt, and lead people through different seasons of life without losing sight of the bigger mission.
Making Room for the Next Generation
As a Latina leader, Noemi understands the importance of representation and mentorship. She shares why making space for young leaders is critical, how to empower them, and the role of discipleship in raising up the next generation of world changers.
Follow Noemi Chavez, @noemichavezlbc
Follow Christine @ChristineCaine
Get your FREE reflection guide for journaling prompts or use it as a discussion guide with your community at PropelWomen.org/Podcast.
Subscribe now so you don't miss an episode, and don't forget to leave a review! See you next week on the Propel Women Life & Leadership Podcast.
You can connect with us further at PropelWomen.org or on Instagram, Facebook, X, and Threads @PropelWomen. We can't wait to hang out with you in your car, during your workout, or wherever you listen to podcasts!
Propel Women is an initiative of Equip & Empower Ministries founded by Christine Caine.
We EMPOWER women with biblical wisdom and encouragement, EQUIP women with practical training and education, and MOBILIZE women by providing hands-on leadership opportunities.
No matter where a woman has influence - in an office, in her community, at home with her family, or in ministry - Propel is driven by a calling to equip and mobilize women to become effective co-laborers with Christ and make a difference within their unique spheres of influence.
In today's episode Natalie & Charlotte talk about something that may not be a popular conversation. They dive into the issue of immaturity and provide encouragement to grow out of it in many areas of our lives. Sometimes immaturity shows up in our friendships, churches, jobs, and marriages and many times our desires are what show our level of maturity. This is illustrated in the life of Solomon. Natalie & Charlotte challenge us in this episode: Are you just looking at the problems and mess in your life, or are you helping to fix it? Immaturity can rob you if you aren't aware of it. If you enjoyed this episode, make sure to hit subscribe!
Adrienne Camp's new book "As For Me" is available now at LifeWay.com/asforme.
Every Easter, billions of Christians around the world celebrate the resurrection of Jesus the Christ. On this journey, Dr. G talks with Bob Cornuke, the Real Indiana Jones, about the latest archaeological research on the actual location of where Jesus was crucified and buried. It might not be where the tourists in Jerusalem flock to every year. For more information about Bob Cornuke, see: https://baseinstitute.org/
Email Dr. G directly by clicking HERE.
How can we find healing in the midst of our most challenging seasons?
In this episode of The High Note, Tauren sits down with Carl Lentz to discuss his incredible journey through pain, growth, and redemption. Carl shares candid insights on his struggles with regret, the impact of past failures, and how he navigated through one of the most public downfalls in church history. They dive deep into the process of rebuilding after brokenness, the power of authenticity, and how God can redeem the darkest moments. This is a powerful conversation about finding peace and purpose, even when life feels like it's falling apart.